Contes immoraux (1973) - Film with incest scenes

"Immoral stories" is an erotic film directed by Polish Director Valerian Borovchik in France. It consists of four parts.
The adaptation of the work of Andre de Pieyre Mandala.
The film consists of four novels:
The tide (FR. La Marée) — the action takes place in modern France. Twenty-year-old Andre makes his sixteen-year-old cousin give him a Blowjob. The action takes place on the seashore when the tide begins. During the sexual act, Andre tells his cousin the theory of the tides. The original story of Andre de Mandala.
The Philosopher Teresa. XIX century, France. A country girl confuses in her imagination her devotion to Christ with her awakening sexuality. During Masturbation, she deprives herself of her virginity with a cucumber, but locals believe that she was raped by a tramp and demand her beatification.
Erzsebet Bathory. XVII century, Royal Hungary. Countess Bathory inspects his possessions to score young girls who are supposed to serve in her Cachtice castle. However, the girls are waiting for a terrible end in the bathtub with their blood, the Countess bathed with the aim to preserve youth. However, rumors about what is happening in the castle of the Countess horrors reach the court of the Emperor, who orders the arrest of the Countess.
Lucrezia Borgia. End of XV century, Italy. Pope Alexander VI is engaged in group incest with his children — daughter Lucretia and son Cesare. To do this, the Pope goes even to the murder of his own son-in-law Giovanni Sforza. All this causes reproach from the famous preacher Girolamo Savonarola.

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