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Swimming instructor who messes with all his students

Fulvio is an attractive swimming instructor who messes with all his students regardless of their age, but Patricia, one of his wife's best friends, bored with all this, decides to tell everything, leaving Fulvio on the street. So he plans to take revenge, but not before treating himself to giving Patricia some good swimming lessons and other things.

Capítulo Amor Temperado - Infieles - Chilevisión - img #1 Capítulo Amor Temperado - Infieles - Chilevisión - img #2 Capítulo Amor Temperado - Infieles - Chilevisión - img #3
Capítulo Amor Temperado - Infieles - Chilevisión - img #4 Capítulo Amor Temperado - Infieles - Chilevisión - img #5 Capítulo Amor Temperado - Infieles - Chilevisión - img #6

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00:33:37 min / 1280x720 / mp4 / 1.23 GB

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