Rare Old and Young sex scenes from Mainstream movies

Laura's Toys (1975) - story of the unfaithful wife

Archaeologist Walter and his wife Laura are working at a dig on a small island off the coast of Sweden. One day Laura catches Walter having a go at his sexy assistant Anna. Laura calls in her old friend--and former lesbian lover--Hanni to help get her revenge on Walter by joining with Hanni to seduce Anna.

Language: english

Laura's Toys 1975 - img #1 Laura's Toys 1975 - img #2 Laura's Toys 1975 - img #3
Laura's Toys 1975 - img #4 Laura's Toys 1975 - img #5 Laura's Toys 1975 - img #6

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01:43:58 / 1920x1080 / 8.1 GB 


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Edit Reason: added video in better quality [ 15 May 2024 ]
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