Rare Old and Young sex scenes from Mainstream movies

Laura: Shadows of a Summer (1979)

Film of David Hamilton - the infamous admirer of the young female body

Sculptor Paul meets a former great love again after a long time -- but is much more impressed by her 15-year-old daughter, Laura, who looks like her mother when Paul was in love with her. Laura likes him very much too, but her jealous mother prevents any further contact. She allows him to make a sculpture of Laura, but only from photos.

Language: french

Laura, les ombres de l'été - img #1 Laura, les ombres de l'été - img #2 Laura, les ombres de l'été - img #3
Laura, les ombres de l'été - img #4 Laura, les ombres de l'été - img #5 Laura, les ombres de l'été - img #6

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