Rare Old and Young sex scenes from Mainstream movies

Oscura Seduccion (Dunkle Lust 2010) (2010) + Eng sub

Laura (Elizabeth Cervantes) is a successful middle-aged plastic surgeon who feels her life is somewhat empty. She meets a young male nurse Gustavo (Julio Bekhor) and falls in love and experiences sexuality to a extent not known to her. However, in this spiral of desire and seduction both play a dangerous game where no one is who appears to be. Things go from bad to worse for the her when her best pal turns up dead and her house gets destroyed.

Language: spanish
Subtitles: english

Oscura Seduccion (Dunkle Lust 2010) (2010) + Eng sub - img #1 Oscura Seduccion (Dunkle Lust 2010) (2010) + Eng sub - img #2 Oscura Seduccion (Dunkle Lust 2010) (2010) + Eng sub - img #3
Oscura Seduccion (Dunkle Lust 2010) (2010) + Eng sub - img #4 Oscura Seduccion (Dunkle Lust 2010) (2010) + Eng sub - img #5 Oscura Seduccion (Dunkle Lust 2010) (2010) + Eng sub - img #6

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Click to open | FullHd1080p / mp4 / 3.2GB |

File info:
01:29:21 min / 1920x1080 / mp4 / 3.2GB (with English subtitles)
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Click to open | DVD VTS-VOB File / 4.3GB |close

File info:
01h:29min / MPEG2 720x576 / DVD VOB File / 4.3GB
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Rating: 4.3 / Votes: 13
66.5К 0
Edit Reason: added full movie [ 08 Sep 2024 ]
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