Rare Old and Young sex scenes from Mainstream movies

Renée Soutendijk

Nude erotic scenes in films

Filmography and biography:.

Renette Pauline Soutendijk, known as Renée Soutendijk, (born May 21, 1957 in The Hague) is a Dutch actress.

She was a favorite star of director Paul Verhoeven's films and is perhaps best known for her work in his 1980 release, Spetters.

Soutendijk is the mother of actress Caro Lenssen.

A former Olympic athlete in gymnastics, Amsterdam-born Renee Soutendijk began her film career in Germany. The blonde, powerfully built young actress scored a hit playing loose-cannon "heroines" in a brace of Paul Verhoeven-directed cult films, Spetters (1980) and The Fourth Man (1983). Soutendijk's first English-language assignment was as Eva Braun in the made-for-TV Inside the Third Reich. Her subsequent TV movie roles included Anna Mons in Peter the Great (1986) and Mrs. Simon Weisenthal in Murderers Among Us (1987). Ever seeking out off-the-beam film roles, Renee Soutendijk has also played the title character in Eve of Destruction (1991), her first American film.
