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Lena Góra - The Eastern Gate (Przesmyk) s01e05 (2025)

Ewa Oginiec wants to leave the secret service and start over after a personal tragedy but things take a turn when her partner, also an agent, is exposed by Russian intelligence and mysteriously disappears.

Lena Góra - The Eastern Gate (Przesmyk) s01e05 (2025) - img #1 Lena Góra - The Eastern Gate (Przesmyk) s01e05 (2025) - img #2 Lena Góra - The Eastern Gate (Przesmyk) s01e05 (2025) - img #3
Lena Góra - The Eastern Gate (Przesmyk) s01e05 (2025) - img #4 Lena Góra - The Eastern Gate (Przesmyk) s01e05 (2025) - img #5 Lena Góra - The Eastern Gate (Przesmyk) s01e05 (2025) - img #6

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00:06:48 min / 1920x960 / MP4 / SD / 301 MB

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