Taong Grasa (2023)
In the thought-provoking film "Taong Grasa" (2023), the challenges of a couple's strained marriage, brought on by the husband's sexual difficulties, take an unforeseen twist when they intervene to rescue a homeless man from a brutal attack. Offering him refuge and care, the trio embarks on a journey that weaves an intricate web of emotions and connections.
As the lines between compassion, need, and desire blur, the couple and the homeless man find themselves entangled in a complex and unpredictable relationship. With each passing moment, their lives become increasingly intertwined, leading to a series of profound and irreversible transformations.
"Taong Grasa" explores the depths of human connection, vulnerability, and the unexpected paths that life can take. Prepare to be captivated by a tale that delves into the complexities of love, compassion, and the fragile threads that bind us all, reminding us that even the most unlikely encounters can have profound and lasting effects on our lives.
Manang Medina
Language: filipino
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01:44:04 min / 1920x1080 / mp4 / 2.93 GB
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