Death by Desire (2023) - Philippine Erotic Horror
Death by Desire (2023) is a groundbreaking Filipino drama-horror film that explores the dark depths of human desire. The film, which features elements of eroticism, is a fresh addition to the genre and has just been released.
Starring Denise Esteban, Iana Bernardez, and Kokoy de Santos, Death by Desire follows the story of three friends whose lives are forever changed by a mysterious woman they encounter on a night out. As they succumb to their primal desires, they find themselves trapped in a web of lust, betrayal, and death.
The film is a gripping exploration of the human psyche, as the characters struggle to come to terms with their darkest desires and the consequences that come with giving in to them. With stunning performances from the talented cast, Death by Desire is a must-see for fans of horror, drama, and erotic cinema.
Prepare to be transported to a world of passion and terror, as Death by Desire takes you on a journey through the darkest recesses of the human mind.
Language: filipino
Subtitles: english
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01:29:19 min / 1920x1080 / mp4 / 1.17 GB
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