Rare Old and Young sex scenes from Mainstream movies

Zoom Up: The Beaver Book Girl (1981)

Zûmu appu: Binîru-bon no onna

Impulse Pictures is proud to present the controversial Nikkatsu classic, ZOOM UP: THE BEAVER BOOK GIRL, a sexually perverse mystery set within the adult magazine industry. A woman is brutally assaulted in an abandoned factory and her assailant escapes into the darkness after dropping a wad of money. A few years later, a photographer specializing in schoolgirl panty shots meets his match when a mysterious femme fatale volunteers to be his new model. This woman used to be the queen of the skin magazines, but she is also hiding a terrible secret and may be a wanted fugitive. Will the photographer escape her sexual grasp? ZOOM UP: THE BEAVER BOOK GIRL is a film spawned from the dark manga stories of Takashi Ishii, featuring women troubled by the psychological effects of sexual violence. Barely staying within the boundaries of Japanese censorship laws, this film will shock and surprise you. Bonus Features include Theatrical Trailer, Liner notes from Japanese film scholar Jasper Sharp

Language: japanese

Zoom Up: The Beaver Book Girl (1981) - img #1 Zoom Up: The Beaver Book Girl (1981) - img #2 Zoom Up: The Beaver Book Girl (1981) - img #3
Zoom Up: The Beaver Book Girl (1981) - img #4 Zoom Up: The Beaver Book Girl (1981) - img #5 Zoom Up: The Beaver Book Girl (1981) - img #6

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01:03:28 min / 716x372 / mkv / 917 MB

Zoom Up. The Beaver Book Girl 1981.mkv

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