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Janani (2006) - Bro / sis indian incest movie

Rahul is the only child of a wealthy family in the toy manufacturing business, consisting of his dad, Raj, and mom, Urmila. He attends college, meets with Neha and both fall in love, get very intimate so much so that Neha gets pregnant. He then takes Neha to introduce her to his parents, who initially approve of her, but after finding out that her parents are Akansha and Tarun Awasthi, they instruct Rahul to take Neha home, and later ask him not to see Neha again. Rahul will soon find out that the young woman he has impregnated could well be his very own sister, mainly due to the (un)doing of their respective parents years ago. Watch how the two families deal with this new crisis and the impact this will have on Neha and Rahul. 'Janani' is based on the theme of surrogate mother. Mohnish Behl and Ayesha Jhulka are a married couple who run a toy manufacturing company. Bhagyashree works in the same company. Unfortunately, Mohnish and Ayesha's cannot have a child since Ayesha cannot conceive. Bhagyashree volunteers to be a surrogate mother. Bhagyashree gives Bright to a child and is sad when she has to hand over the child to Ayesha. The son (Vineet Raina) grows up and falls in love with Sonica Handa. They get carried away and indulge in pre-maritial sex. Problems starts when Sonica's identity is revealed. Raj and Urmila had been married for 9 years and currently manages a toy manufacturing business. During pregnancy Urmila had underwent a miscarriage and is told that she would not be able to conceive any child in future. This works to the couple's disadvantage but eventually goes unnoticed with time. They find out that their personal assistant, Akansha's son, Rahul is suffering from brain tumor - they promises to stand the expenses so that the child can undergo an operation. To return this favor Akansha agrees to be a surrogate mother that is bearing a child in her womb for the couple using Raj's sperm. Unfortunately before undergoing any operation Rahul take down and eventually passes away. After Rahul's death Akansha eventually give birth to Raj and Urmila's child but to their shock she refuses to hand over the baby boy as promise. Eventually she relents when her husband, Tarun and his mother refuses to accept this baby. Her life eclipse when Tarun and his mom passes away in a vehicle accident forcing her to adopt a baby girl, Neha. Years passes and eventually both Neha and Rahul meet up with each other, fall in love and get intimate but they will learn the truth about their identities when the topic of their marriage is brought to their respective guardian - such a truth that will cost them their lives.


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